Hi! Welcome to Big Fat Mama.
I started this site back in 1999 for the simple reason that I wanted to learn to play Quo songs on the guitar. Every time I learnt a new song or riff, I'd write it down. I could have (or 'could've' but most definitely not 'could of' because that's not English) simply saved it on my pc but that would've (not 'would of') been selfish. I thought I might as well share what I've got and maybe help others who want to learn as well. So what you'll find here is all the tabs that I've written down as well as a lot of other stuff. Well, I say 'a lot' but it's really just photos and videos as well.
Everyone seems to think that this is a Quo fan site but that's not the case at all (although there is a lot of Quo).
If you like this site, please share it with others. The more people who use it, the more motivated I'll be to add new stuff. Enjoy!
Look at this idiot coming over Woodhead Pass - YB55TTF

Guitar Tab
When I wanted to learn some Quo on the guitar I used to search all over the internet to find tabs. Some were good and some not so good and some I just couldn't find, so in the end I decided the best way to find what I wanted was to do my own. If you want to learn some Quo as well then feel free to use them. Just click here for the ones that I've done so far.
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Quo Photos
Click here to see photos taken at various Quo concerts I have been to over the years. There are also photos of meeting the band and one of my guitars which was once owned by Francis Rossi. Click here to see them.
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AC/DC Photos
I've been lucky enough to meet AC/DC a couple of times. There are some photos of the recording of the Hard as a Rock video, performing in various places and in a Milton Keynes hotel bar! Click here to see them.
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Click here for videos of some of the gigs I've been to, including Quo, AC/DC, Saxon, Rhino.
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Contact Me
Get in touch with me if you have a question or comment about anything by clicking here.
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